Algo Trading is relatively new to the retail arena. The reasons are twofold. First it’s difficult to code the gut feeling a trader gets in the market. Second there was no widespread use of python coding which is a very easy to learn language compared to C++ etc in which the financial market access codes were available. Internet speeds, falling costs of hardware and advent of cloud services have obviously helped.
Algo trading has a lot of advantages over old style trading.
The main problem of trading is that the markets change every 2-3 months. Sometimes it feels that you have mastered the movement and can predict what the market will do with reasonable confidence and probability. Then within a few days/weeks the behavior changes creating headaches and doubt. This confidence – doubt sea-saw ultimately takes its toll. Now Algo Trading enables you to back-test any strategy over previous data to check whether the logic is sound historically or a seasonal fad. Thus saving a lot of time.
The second reason is that Algo is forever vigilant in the market and will never miss an opportunity. This enables traders to look and code for situations which give small and steady profits consistently. This reduces the need to bet big and thus losing big.
The third reason is that Algo allows us to continue doing our steady job and earn a salary while creating a creative second income/wealth stream for us. We can do so without quitting the stable job we do.
Trading is very time consuming where 20% time goes into strategy making and 80% time is taken by sitting in front of the screen and looking for the trade opportunities/setups. Algo saves this 80% time to make available more time to you for the creative process.
Our Infra is fully cloud deployed and made by our own team from scratch and we thus enable all our enrolled students to trade using this infra. We have been running some demo(BETA) classes and we have seen over the few months that from zero knowledge to pro level in Algo has been achieved by our students in 2-3 months.
Most of the firms in this domain are providing semi algos, which are based on some third party Infra. Some have algo coding limitations in variables or pre existing condition limits. We are free of all this and allow pure and limitless algo coding possibilities.
We have now thus opened up this formal course for all Algo Aspirants!